Cheap flights from New York to Catania
Normal travel time between New York and Catania is between 23h 30min to 44h 17min. Flight tickets from New York to Catania normally costs between 921 to 3,057 USD.
Alternate Routes to ItalyCompare flights to Italy, find flights and get the best prices.
- New York - Cagliari968 - 2,751 USDNormal travel time is 22h 45min - 40h 42min
- London - Genoa108 - 694 USDNormal travel time is 4h 10min - 19h 33min
- Stockholm - Mirano120 - 812 USDNormal travel time is 5h 10min - 15h 34min
- Edinburgh - Alghero365 - 483 USDNormal travel time is 14h 10min - 20h 51min
- Denver - Florence1,015 - 2,907 USDNormal travel time is 25h - 36h 7min
- New York - Naples604 - 3,573 USDNormal travel time is 19h 10min - 36h 50min
- Paris - Naples54 - 308 USDNormal travel time is 2h 10min - 10h 21min
- Barcelona - Pisa49 - 396 USDNormal travel time is 3h 5min - 27h
- Moscow - Rome216 - 984 USDNormal travel time is 7h 20min - 16h 26min
- London - Rome262 - 682 USDNormal travel time is 4h 55min - 13h 38min
- Geneva - Rome157 - 488 USDNormal travel time is 2h 55min - 11h 38min
- Stockholm - Rome313 - 1,050 USDNormal travel time is 8h 50min - 21h 6min
- Copenhagen - Rome101 - 589 USDNormal travel time is 5h - 14h 37min
- Buenos Aires - Rome1,049 - 2,338 USDNormal travel time is 27h - 46h 20min