Cheap flights from Busan to Tokyo
Normal travel time between Busan and Tokyo is between 4h 10min to 7h 15min. Flight tickets from Busan to Tokyo normally costs between 303 to 552 USD.
Alternate Routes to JapanCompare flights to Japan, find flights and get the best prices.
- London - Tokyo1,051 - 2,021 USDNormal travel time is 32h 5min - 45h 43min
- Los Angeles - Tokyo724 - 1,668 USDNormal travel time is 21h 5min - 35h 43min
- Los Angeles - Osaka532 - 1,103 USDNormal travel time is 22h 30min - 37h 44min
- Saint Denis de la Reunion - Tokyo1,809 - 7,183 USDNormal travel time is 41h 10min - 2d 11h 50min
- Osaka - Tokyo257 - 573 USDNormal travel time is 3h 5min - 8h 12min
- Bangkok - Tokyo315 - 711 USDNormal travel time is 12h 30min - 20h 52min
- Stockholm - Tokyo482 - 1,272 USDNormal travel time is 23h 35min - 39h 23min