Cheap flights from London to Funchal
Normal travel time between London and Funchal is between 3h 35min to 13h 13min. Flight tickets from London to Funchal normally costs between 48 to 468 USD.
Alternate Routes to PortugalCompare flights to Portugal, find flights and get the best prices.
- New York - Faro772 - 3,020 USDNormal travel time is 22h 15min - 44h 49min
- London - Porto69 - 310 USDNormal travel time is 4h 15min - 11h 55min
- New York - Funchal977 - 3,261 USDNormal travel time is 20h 40min - 36h 4min
- Vienna - Lisbon205 - 540 USDNormal travel time is 6h 55min - 14h 12min
- Berlin - Lisbon369 - 571 USDNormal travel time is 7h 10min - 13h 41min
- Karlstad - Lisbon929 - 2,157 USDNormal travel time is 21h 45min - 26h 23min